Imizamo Yethu Township
Imizamo Yethu - Then and Now
- Learn the history of the residents and how they lived not too long ago
- Realise what caused the prosperous change in their living conditions
- See what the help of a community can achieve by working together
The residents of Imizamo Yethu comprise mainly of Xhosa speaking people originating from the Transkei in the Eastern Cape where many of their family members still reside.
Previously though, the living conditions in the shantytown were shocking. A few years ago almost all of the residents lived in small corrugated iron shacks measuring about 9ft x 9ft. Few had running water in their homes and most were forced to share outside sanitation facilities.
It was not until the recent involvement of an Irish businessman, Niall Mellon which resulted in more than three hundred brand new, high quality homes of brick being built with promises of many more.
Cape Town Township Tour
- Take a walking tour with a township local as your guide
- Get a taste of the culture and vibe
- Leave with a sense of ‘ubuntu’ and a smile
Enjoy a walking experience through the vibrant, cosmopolitan and friendly township of Imizamo Yethu conducted by local accredited guides. Imizamo Yethu has a unique vibrancy that is especially noticeable to visitors from outside. A spirit of caring and friendliness (‘ubuntu’ as it is known in Xhosa) is experienced everywhere with children playing peacefully outside their homes and often in the streets. Traders selling their goods, ensure that many essential items can be purchased within a stone’s throw distance from most homes.
Much hard work still lies ahead for the residents of this Cape Town township, but a process has started which hopefully one day the children of Imizamo Yethu will be able to look back with pride at what was achieved by their parents and community leaders.
Departure time & point: Departures from each Bus passing Stop 23 (Blue Mini Peninsula Tour - Hop on Hop off Bus)
Duration: 1 hour
Frequency of Blue tour:
Summer: every 25 mins from 09.00 a.m.
Winter: every 35 mins from 09.00 a.m.
Audio guide available in 16 languages:
English, Afrikaans, Arabic, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Zulu, Kids Channel!
Ticket is valid for 1 day!